


Preflight checklist

Login to Cloudflare

cloudflared tunnel login

Create Cloudflare tunnel

Replace $tunnel accordingly.

cloudflared tunnel create $tunnel

Associate Cloudflare tunnel with a DNS record

Replace $tunnel and $hostname accordingly.

cloudflared tunnel route dns $tunnel $hostname

How to add repo

Add the repo to your local helm client.

helm repo add mika

Update the repo to retrieve the latest versions of the packages.

helm repo update

How to install

Prepare chart values

Copy values.yaml from the chart you would like to install.

cp mika/cloudflared/values.yaml .

Edit values.yaml with the appropriate values. Refer to the Configurations section for available options.

nano values.yaml

Perform installation

Install the desired chart. Replace $release_name, $namespace and $credentials.json accordingly.

helm install $release_name \
--namespace $namespace \
--create-namespace \
--set-file tunnel.file=$credentials.json \
--values values.yaml \
--wait mika/cloudflared

Verify that your chart has been installed. Replace $namespace and $release_name accordingly.

helm ls --namespace $namespace | grep "$release_name"

How to upgrade

After making any necessary changes to the values.yaml file, upgrade the desired chart. Replace $release_name, $namespace and $credentials.json accordingly.

helm upgrade $release_name \
--namespace $namespace \
--set-file tunnel.file=$credentials.json \
--values values.yaml \
--wait mika/cloudflared

How to uninstall

Uninstall the desired chart. Replace $release_name and $namespace accordingly.

helm uninstall $release_name --namespace $namespace --wait


Key Type Default Description
image.cloudflared.pullPolicy string "" The policy that determines when Kubernetes should pull the Cloudflared container image. Default: "IfNotPresent".
image.cloudflared.registry string "" The registry where the Cloudflared container image is hosted. Default: "".
image.cloudflared.repository string "" The name of the repository that contains the Cloudflared container image used. Default: "cloudflare/cloudflared".
image.cloudflared.tag string "" The tag that specifies the version of the Cloudflared container image used. Default: Chart appVersion.
ingress list [] Cloudflare ingress configurations.
replicaCount string "" The desired number of running replicas for Cloudflared. Default: "1".
resources.limits.cpu string "500m" The maximum amount of CPU resources allowed for Cloudflared.
resources.limits.memory string "500Mi" The maximum amount of memory allowed for Cloudflared.
resources.requests.cpu string "10m" The minimum amount of CPU resources required by Cloudflared.
resources.requests.memory string "10Mi" The minimum amount of memory required by Cloudflared.
tunnel.file file "" The Cloudflare tunnel’s credentials JSON file. string "" The name of the Cloudflare tunnel.